Thus the game forces you to move from island to island. You are wrong once again: resources in Stranded Deep are very scarce. Want to make a harpoon? You have to collect sticks, rocks, and rope before crouching on the shore to make your new fishing tool.'Well, I just have to craft a harpoon, catch some fish and crabs, and my life is solved'. While other similar games invite you to craft (create objects by combining materials) in a separate window, crafting in Stranded Deep takes place during the gameplay itself. 'This is like The Forest but at sea,' you're probably thinking. Its first users consider it one of the best 'early games' on the Valve platform.Once the introduction to the game ends you'll be shipwrecked on a minuscule desert island: your new home. Stranded Deep is a survival game available on Steam’s Early Access. You're interested, right? Then welcome then to Stranded Deep. Do you think there are no other challenges to overcome? What if your plane crashed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Sharks, desert islands, shipwrecks. You survived a blizzard in The Long Dark.