oh, and just use these for the skyrim textures, its essentially the same thing without actually having to run the optimizer on them. Make sure the directory structure is intact. SkyUI is an elegant, PC-friendly UI mod for Skyrim with many advanced features. Select the appropriate BSA file from your Skyrim directory.
Unpack the mod archive using 7-Zip or WinRAR. These archives can be either BSA (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim) or BA2 (Fallout 4 and Fallout 76) format files. So if you manually register a texture replacer BSA (like the HD Texture packs), but put it at the beginning of the list - they won't load! As with most Valheim mods, you'll need to install BepInEx first and then install the Skyheim DLL into the BepInEx plugin folder - you can find the download page for that over here.Then at the top, hit browse and choose Skyrim - Textures. If all this sounds magical to you, the mod is available for download on Nexus Mods and Thunderstore.io. The author's answer to a request for a resurrection spell is currently "maybe", but it sure would reduce demand for Valheim's Body Recovery Squad. The mod already has a fair number of spells available, but it seems mod author makzimus isn't quite done yet: a chain lightning spell has just been added to the mix, and makzimus is considering ways for players to upgrade their mana pool. If only using a fireball on wild boar would drop ready-cooked meat. So I guess it's time to start toasting all the poor critters in the meadows. As with any skill in Valheim, you'll also need to practise the spells to increase your proficiency in that type of magic. To prevent the spells from being overpowered, the mod introduces a "mana" bar, and the more powerful spells have fairly lengthy cooldowns.
I experimented with the mod a fair bit myself, and although some of the audio effects are a little funky, the mod does add a fun new dimension to Valheim's combat without making things too easy.
It wouldn't be fair to leave all the spell-casting to the shamans, would it?
There's even a Recall spell to call in the Valkyries to teleport the player back to spawn - the equivalent of Gandalf calling in the eagles, I suppose. The Light spell allows you to summon a glowing orb to illuminate the way, Travel increases your movement speed, and there's an area of effect healing spell to help both you and your buddies. Although I imagine most people will immediately reach for the fireball spell, it's worth noting this mod adds plenty of helpful spells that aren't directly related to combat. The style of spells available in the mod reminded me quite a bit of the basic spells in Skyrim, and and I'm assuming the "Sky" in the mod name is probably a nod to the Elder Scrolls game.