Thousand Arrows now has neutral effectiveness against ungrounded Pokemon. Pressure no longer takes PP from multi-hit moves multiple times. Tearful Look will no longer claim to have 100 basepower, this was a visual error. Fake Out will no longer work twice in a row. Laser Focus will now make sure the next move is a critical hit. Decidueye will no longer activate contact-based moves and abilities. Queenly Majesty will also account for Spikes/Mold Breaker, and block Z-Moves. Queenly Majesty will now protect allies from priority in doubles. Sleeping bosses will no longer attack everyone. Z-Spikes now uses Groundium-Z instead of Normalium-Z. You can no longer seperate your last pokemon from your party via the Reassembly Machine. Mirror Armor will no longer cause a crash under certain circumstances. Zygarde cells are now limited to a max of 3 cells around the player, more attempts to spawn cells are now made per pass. Golden Bottlecaps now work as intended. Fixed a bug where Zygarde cells would spawn too close to each other. Fixed a fatal error with Infuser recipes. UI no longer pretends you can Dynamax Primals. Fixed an issue causing attempted evolution earlier than it should in Raids.
Rainbow Wing is no longer consumed when interacting with pokemon that don't have rainbow forms. Wooloo and Mareep will once again eat grass and regrow wool. Wailmer Pails now provide a text response when used on berry and apricorn trees, alongside the Bonemeal particle effect. Searching for eggs in PCs has been improved. Growth and Minimize will no longer affect the Pokemons literal size. Scrappy, Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, & Rattled are now immune to Intimidate. This isn't a perfect change, as the core of the issue is a vanilla bug. Pokemon will no longer spawn on dead players. Ribbons can now be given via spec in /pokegive. Raid NPCs will no longer write to world. This doesn't affect the evolution method for Milcery, you still interact and dance!
Earlier versions will need to refresh hocon and json as usual.
If updating from 8.3.1, no files need to be refreshed.
Download™ Recommended Forge is 1.12.2-14.