Counter strike mod point blank
Counter strike mod point blank

counter strike mod point blank

  • Thousand Arrows now has neutral effectiveness against ungrounded Pokemon.
  • Pressure no longer takes PP from multi-hit moves multiple times.
  • Tearful Look will no longer claim to have 100 basepower, this was a visual error.
  • Fake Out will no longer work twice in a row.
  • Laser Focus will now make sure the next move is a critical hit.
  • Decidueye will no longer activate contact-based moves and abilities.
  • Queenly Majesty will also account for Spikes/Mold Breaker, and block Z-Moves.
  • Queenly Majesty will now protect allies from priority in doubles.
  • Sleeping bosses will no longer attack everyone.
  • Z-Spikes now uses Groundium-Z instead of Normalium-Z.
  • You can no longer seperate your last pokemon from your party via the Reassembly Machine.
  • Mirror Armor will no longer cause a crash under certain circumstances.
  • Zygarde cells are now limited to a max of 3 cells around the player, more attempts to spawn cells are now made per pass.
  • Golden Bottlecaps now work as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Zygarde cells would spawn too close to each other.
  • Fixed a fatal error with Infuser recipes.
  • UI no longer pretends you can Dynamax Primals.
  • Fixed an issue causing attempted evolution earlier than it should in Raids.
  • counter strike mod point blank

  • Rainbow Wing is no longer consumed when interacting with pokemon that don't have rainbow forms.
  • Wooloo and Mareep will once again eat grass and regrow wool.
  • Wailmer Pails now provide a text response when used on berry and apricorn trees, alongside the Bonemeal particle effect.
  • Searching for eggs in PCs has been improved.
  • Growth and Minimize will no longer affect the Pokemons literal size.
  • Scrappy, Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, & Rattled are now immune to Intimidate.
  • This isn't a perfect change, as the core of the issue is a vanilla bug.
  • Pokemon will no longer spawn on dead players.
  • Ribbons can now be given via spec in /pokegive.
  • Raid NPCs will no longer write to world.
  • This doesn't affect the evolution method for Milcery, you still interact and dance!

    counter strike mod point blank

    Earlier versions will need to refresh hocon and json as usual.

  • If updating from 8.3.1, no files need to be refreshed.
  • counter strike mod point blank

    Download™ Recommended Forge is 1.12.2-14.

    Counter strike mod point blank